Pierre Herme's Sable Viennois (Danish Butter Cookies) 丹麦牛油饼干 (中英食谱)

BakingTaitai 於 2014-08-08 21:31:42 發表  |  累積瀏覽 4723

分類:小食 其他

This is one of my favourite butter cookie recipe which I would like to recommend to you. This recipe is adapted from Pierre Herme's pastry cookbook from Shirley's blog. Pierre Hermé is a French pastry chef most famous for his macarons (click here for his macaron recipe), many of which have unusual flavor combinations. French Vogue magazine dubbed him "The Picasso of Pastry." 

I have baked these Danish butter cookies some time ago but have not blogged about it, so here's sharing with you now. As this is a butter cookie, do use a premium brand butter when you bake these cookies to bring out the best of it! 

尝过好几种牛油饼干,其中我最喜欢的是Pierre Hermes 的食谱,Pierre Herme被誉为甜点界的毕加索, 是法国无人不知无人不晓的糕点师傅, 也是被众多糕点厨师当作偶像崇拜。他做的马卡龙更被人称作“宛如少女的酥胸”般美妙。按看部落格的Pierre Herme 马卡龙食谱。 


Pierre Herme's Sable Viennois (Danish Butter Cookies) 


Ingredients 食材:
190g unsalted butter (soften at room temperature)
1g (1/2 tsp) salt
1/2 tsp vanilla paste
80g icing sugar
30g egg white (beaten lightly)
240g plain flour 

190克 牛油 (室温软化)

1克 (1/2茶匙) 盐 

1/2茶匙 香草糊 

80克 糖粉 

30克 蛋白(轻打) 

240克 中筋/普通面粉

Method 做法:

1. Preheat oven to 180C top and bottom heat.

1。烤箱预热至180摄氏度上下火 。 

2. Beat the butter and salt till creamy in a mixing bowl.


3. Add in icing sugar and cream till light and fluffy.


4. Add in egg white and vanilla paste, cream till well mixed. ( The mixture may curdle a little but it will smoothen out after flour is added.

4。加入蛋白和香草糊,搅打至充分混合。 (此时面糊会显得有点凝固,加入面粉后就不会了。) 

5. Add in flour using a spatula and mix until well combined.


6. Transfer batter into a piping bag fitted with a 0.5cm star tip. Pipe circles/wreaths or any pattern onto a lined baking tray. 


7. Bake at 180 degree Celsius top and bottom heat for 10 to 12 mins or until golden brown.


8. Cool on a wiring rack and store in an air tight container.

8。烤好移至铁网架上放凉, 完全凉透请放密封保存避免回潮。

Cookie dough piped and ready to go into the oven! 

Cookie dough piped in snake shape, do they give you the creeps?

These snake cookies were baked for my daughter who's born in the year of the snake. 

To be fair to my son who's born in the year of the pig, I did piggies pineapple tarts for him. :) 

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“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link back to the relevant post here:http://bakingtaitai.blogspot.sg/2014/07/pierre-hermes-sable-viennois-danish.html Thank you.”

编写或翻译食谱需要时间和精力的,请不要复制或将它作为自己的食谱。如果你想分享在我部落格的任何食谱,请提供在这里的相关链接: http://bakingtaitai.blogspot.sg/2014/07/pierre-hermes-sable-viennois-danish.html 谢谢。"

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