Macau in a day

足跡 於 2014-08-08 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 678

分類:1天短線 長線旅遊 餐廳 特色景點 ;地區:澳門
 A fine sunny Friday, though it was forecasted with rain.

 After doing the necessary upon embarking, I went with Mandy straight to the Consulate.

Classic building

 Opposite the Consulate, there is a even more classic Portuguese style building.  Couldn't resist not to take a picture of it.


beautiful windows with details, nostalgic wooden windows

Doors are of comparable beautiful style with details


The door was open and it was so inviting to have a look inside.  Thought it was some sort of exhibition avenue........



........and it turned out to be a restaurant.  A small one though.  We were told that it offered classic Portuguese cuisine.  Besides, the prices were low and it really was. No harm trying, at low cost ;)

The cashier and a corner displaying somethings likely on sale


Cabbage soup; shrimp pastries and chicken salad with risin, carrot, bean....

We were introduced that this is one of their signature dish.......duck rice

When the duck rice was served, the rice looked like not yet cooked, but it was. Tasted good and in particular not oily as it used to be with duck cooked together.

 I found it hard to pronounce without vowel for each word and was told v sounded u.  This is their name card without address, because they are planing to remove once they find an ideal location.

After lunch, we walked to Bamboo temple doing the routine task. After it was done, we strolled around.


The forever Post Office

Antique in the new Casino Lisboa

Hotel Venetian


Hotel Galaxy at night


感謝 R Kwong 提供以上資料

R Kwong的網誌: http://rubyviewhk.blogspot.hk/


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