LCM Stage 2 Sample Questions

丹尼仔仔 於 2011-11-25 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 456

很早之前曾經分享過DANIEL考STAGE 2的情況, 我說過會遲些分享SAMPLE QUESTIONS.

可是因為有太多仔仔日常的事我想記下, 所以我竟然忘了emotion!

最近有讀者問我, 我才醒起呢!

以下是一些對孩子較難的SAMPLE QUESTIONS, 一些簡單的如WHAT IS YOUR NAME? 的問題一定會問, 但不會在這裡提的了.

Q: Do you have any brother or sister?
A: Yes, I have a brother / sister.
A: No, I’m the only child in the family.

Q: Did you have your breakfast / lunch?
A: Yes, I had (bread, milk, rice, etc.)
A: No, I did not.

Q: Did you go to school today? What did you do there?
A: Yes, I did. I learnt English and played with my friends.
A: No, I did not.

Q: What’s your favorite fruit?
A: I like to eat apple. (banana, orange, pear, etc.)

Q: When were you born?
A: I was born in 1st January, 2005.

Q: When is your birthday?
A: My birthday is on the 1st of January.

Q: Do you put candles on your birthday cake? How many?
A: Yes, I put four candles on the cake.

Q: What do you like to do most at school?
A: I like to play toys (balls, games, etc.)
A: I like dancing. (singing, reading books, etc.)

Q: What animals you’d like to have as pets?
A: Dogs. (cats, rabbits, etc.)

Q: Why do you like dogs?
A: They are funny. (friendly, lovely, cutely) 

Q: What’s the biggest animal you’ve ever seen?
A: Elephant

Q: Do you like going to school? Why?
A: Yes, I do, because I like to play with my friends at school.

Q: Can you write? If yes, write a sentence about you on the board.
A: Yes, I can. (Teach child to write a simple sentence before the exam will be better.) 


感謝 丹尼成長足印 提供以上資料

丹尼成長足印的網誌: http://winniewlkwok.mysinablog.com/


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