Chocolate Silk Pie 巧克力派

Phoebe 於 2011-09-19 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 693


My kids have asked me to make a chocolate pie for a long time and I finally got my hands on the recipe. This pie is good as a summer time dessert since it is a no-bake pie (if you use a store bought ready-to-use pie crust). The eggs are sanitized by heating to 160F so it is safe to eat even without further baking. The chocolate filling is so rich and trufflelike that it will surely satisfy any chocoholic!


1 chocolate sandwich cookie pie crust, 9 inches (see notes)


3 large eggs
3 tbsp sugar
¾ stick/85 g/3 oz unsalted butter
½ cup heavy whipping cream
255 g/9 oz bittersweet chocolate (up to 70%), finely chopped
1 ½ tsp pure vanilla extract

1)  In a medium saucepan, bring about 2 inches of water to a boil, then lower the heat until it simmers.
2)  Put the eggs and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer and use a hand whisk to beat. Place the bowl on top of the saucepan without it touching the water and continue to whisk the egg mixture until it reaches 160F. This may take a few minutes.

3)  Remove the bowl from the heat and beat on high for about 3 minutes.
4)  Put the chocolate, butter and cream in a medium bowl and place it on top of the saucepan with the simmering water. Mix with a spatula until the chocolate and butter melt.
5)  Add the chocolate mixture to the egg and beat on medium until it is well mixed. Scrape the bowl until no streaks of egg is visible. Add the vanilla extract and mix well.
6)  Pour onto the pie crust and smooth out the top. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or until solidified.


1)  The pie crust can be homemade or store bought. If you prefer homemade like me (no preservatives), put about 18 Oreo cookies in a bag and pound with a rolling pin or a meat tenderizer until it is finely grounded. Mix with 2 oz of melted butter and press onto a pie dish or tin using the back of a spoon. Bake at 350F for 8-10 minutes and cool before using.

2)  Vanilla extract can be replaced by other liqueurs, like Grand Marnier to make it an Orange-Chocolate Silk Pie.
3)  I cut down the amount of sugar in the original recipe from 6 tbsp to 3 tbsp and the amount of chocolate from 10 oz to 9 oz.
4)  If a stand mixer is not available, a handheld mixer can also be used.
5)  An instant read or other thermometer is handy for the disinfecting process.

Recipe modified from The Art & Soul of Baking by Cindy Mushet.


炎炎夏日,除了雪糕之外,這個不用焗爐焗的派也是令人透心涼的一款甜品,我的孩子心儀這款巧克力派已經有一段時間,最近終於令他們得嘗所願了。這個派雖然要用生蛋,但經過華氏160度殺箘處理,便可以安心食用了,它的巧克力味濃郁,真是魅力沒法擋 !!


大蛋  三隻
糖  三湯匙
無鹽牛油  三安士
奶油  半杯
苦甜巧克力  九安士,切碎
雲呢哪香油  一茶匙半

1)  在一鍋內放約二寸高的水,燒滾後開慢火至微滾。
2)  在另一碗內將糖及蛋打勻,然後放上鍋上,水不要接觸到碗,繼續攪打至温度達華氏160度,離火。
3)  用打蛋器再打三分鐘左右。
4)  將巧克力、牛油及奶油放入另一大碗內,再放上剛才微滾的鍋上,慢慢讓巧克力溶化,攪勻。
5)  然後將巧克力溶液與蛋液混合,再加雲呢哪香油,攪至均勻後便可倒入派內,雪約三十分鐘至凝固便可。


感謝 Phoebe提供以上資料

Phoebe的網誌: http://www.morethanbread.net/


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