2011 完美の总结 :蔓越莓司康 Cranberry Scones

Min's 於 2011-12-31 14:06:11 發表  |  累積瀏覽 524

分類:麵包 蛋糕

来到一年的最后一天了, 怎样都要来个简短的总结。 仔细回头想想, 一年没有过得太如意, 挑战多了一些, 问题也多了一些, 不过这些都一一走过了。 感恩这段路有很多朋友的陪伴, 在我最失落的时候, 都会给我加油打气。 当然好的事情也少不了, 完成了很多旅行小小的梦想, 希望在明年我的小小梦想也可以逐一的实现。 但是明年我多了一个比小小梦想大少少的梦想, 呵呵, 有没有讲到比较复杂? 其实也没什么大不了, 但对我蛮重要的事情, 祝福我吧!

分享这个司康的食谱, 跟以往的不一样, 因为这个真的可以‘升高高’的。 以前做的司康都没有发到那么高, 这个是最成功的一次。 所以喜欢司康的朋友, 这个食谱要记好。

蔓越莓司康 (可做出大概9个司康)
  • 低筋面粉 200g
  • 发粉 2tsp
  • 牛油块 (直接从冰箱取出) 50g
  • 细糖 30g
  • 牛奶 90ml
  • 盐 小撮
  • 蔓越莓干 40g
  1. 低筋面粉和发粉混合, 过筛备用。
  2. 把牛油放入大容器, 用叉子把牛油切入粉类, 直到成为如面包糠的酥粒。 
  3. 加入细糖, 盐和蔓越莓干, 混合。
  4. 加入牛奶, 混合成团。 
  5. 把面团轻轻搓揉4-5次。
  6. 把面团拍成正方形, 大概3cm厚。
  7. 然后把面团切一半, 然后叠在一起, 再拍成3cm厚的正方形。 
  8. 重复以上的步骤2次。
  9. z最后把面团拍成2-2.5cm厚度, 用模型切出大概直径4cm的圆形。 
  10. 在司康上刷上牛奶。 
  11. 放入预热200‘C的烤箱, 烤大概10-12分钟。
Cranberry Scones (adapted fromHappy Home Baking)
(makes about 9, using 4cm cutter)
  • 200g cake flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 50g unsalted butter, Cold, cut into small cubes
  • 30g caster sugar 1 pinch of salt 90ml milk, I replaced with plain yoghurt
  • 40g dried cranberries, cut into smaller pieces
  • extra 1 tablespoon milk for brushing
  • some icing sugar for dusting
  1. Sieve cake flour and baking powder into a large mixing bowl. 
  2. Place unsalted butter into mixing bowl. With a fork, cut the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs. 
  3. Add in sugar, salt and dried cranberries, toss gently until just combined. 
  4. Add in milk, gather the mixture to form a rough dough. 
  5. Place dough on lightly floured work surface. Knead the dough gently for about four to five times. -
  6. Pat the dough to a rectangle shape, about 3cm thick. 
  7. Cut the dough into half. Stack one half over the other. Pat the dough into 3cm thick rectangular shape again. 
  8. Repeat the above step for another 2 times (note: handle the dough lightly, scones will become tough when over handled.) 
  9. Finally, pat the dough into 2cm-2.5cm thick. Use a lightly floured cookie cutter (4 cm diameter), cut dough into rounds. To ensure better rise, press the cutter straight down, do not twist the cutter. - Gather the remaining dough, pat into 2cm - 2.5cm thick and cut out the remaining rounds. -
  10. Place the rounds on baking tray (lined with parchment paper) about 1 inch apart, brush top with milk, sprinkle with icing sugar (I replaced with caster sugar since I couldn't get icing sugar). 
  11. Bake in preheated oven at 200degC for 10-12mins or until lightly browned. Transfer to wire rack to cool, serve warm.
Recipe source: 幸福烘焙工坊, by 本间节子 


喜欢抹上一层厚厚的牛油,  慢慢享用。 这次的司康外头香脆, 里头却是软软的。 

*这次的照片用我的爱疯拍, 所以有差噢:) 

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