
玻璃朱Bonnie 於 2009-08-28 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 227


之前本會一直拹助REHOME的兩隻雪橇"阿雪"同"HERO", 得到有心人JENNY的支助, 暫時從KELLY的狗場寄養到PET WORLD. 生活環境暫時雖然改善, 但牠們仍很雖要主人的愛, 及一個家.

This 2 huskies " Snow" and " Hero" were moved to a dog's hotel for temperatly from Kelly's dog shelter. Thanks for Jenny's support and donate, they have a better environment now, but they still looking for a REAL HOME and LOVE.

"Snow" 5 years old she is a very lovely lady. 阿雪好痴人好有性.

"HERO" 2 yrs still act like a little boy so active. HERO兩歲仲好似個小朋友好鍾意玩.


Handsome boy HERO

Pretty Lady SNOW


現五歲的snow於兩歲時因有腎病而被遺棄, 但經醫生醫治後大致上是沒有問題, 不過需要長期食用指定狗糧去控制, 可以提供醫生處方, 及要每半年做一次身體檢查. 其實最近不少人致電有意領養, 但一聽到阿雪有病恐醫藥費嚴重而卻步. 若有人願意收養牠們, JENNY小姐願意付擔阿雪一生的醫藥費問題.

現兩歲的hero被拯救時只是一頭小狗, 因繁殖場關閉又賣不出而被遺棄的健康小狗. 所以當牠去到KELLY狗場時便安排跟阿雪一起生活. 一直視阿雪有如媽媽, 牠們感情十分之好, 亦十分依賴對方. 曾時過分開牠們結果悲鳴一整天及撞牆 ( 因雪橇跟狼一樣是有狼群效應, 要一起群體生活. ) 所以要求兩隻一起收養.

有興趣者請致電Ms. Yau (邱小姐 ) at 6684 6099 和 Ms. Lau (劉小姐) at 9260 4049

The female, Snow, is about 5 years old, she was from a breeder who abandoned her when she was around 2 right after she has given birth to few puppies. She was abandoned because she has kidney disease, Dr. Johnson Ho is the vet she is seeing, now she is fine only she has to take special diet dog food for long term. If necessary, we can ask Dr. Johnson Ho to issue a reference letter for Snow. Miss Jenny will support ALL the medical fees of SNOW if anyone who can adopt them.

For the male, Hero, is about 2 years old, he was a puppies when we put Snow in the shelter (Hero was rescued by the shelter owner), since then they are just like mother and son, always doing things together.They all have been neutered, both of them have microchips and the ownership can be transferred.

This 2 two they have a great relationship as a mum and son,, and they so depend on each other too. We r looking for someone who can adoptd them both together.

For adoption pls call Ms. Yau (邱小姐 ) at 6684 6099 和 Ms. Lau (劉小姐) at 9260 4049

P.S. 請各愛心人士幫忙FORWARD及引用, Thanks!



感謝 玻璃朱Bonnie 提供以上資料

玻璃朱Bonnie的網誌: http://www.bonniechucity.com


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